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App Insight

Implementation Guide

MTKAppInsight SDK

MTKAppInsight SDK allows you to track user journey and survey specific groups of your mobile app users. Understanding specific user behaviors and journey will be done with single line of code and initialize in-app survey for specific target group of users. Check more detail in methinks to create your account and acquire product key to begin with. If you're interested in Android version go here.


MTKAppInsight SDK works on iOS 10 or higher version.



We recommend using Cocoapods to get MTKAppInsight for iOS. Define pod in your Podfile:

pod 'MTKAppInsight'

and run pod install.

Swift Package

Please add following URL for Swift Package URL


Visit here to find more information.

Manual installation

Download most recent SDK at here. Once download the zipped file, embed MTKAppInsight.xcframework to your project target.


Before move on, please make sure you get the clientKey and productKey from methinks. You should initialize the SDK at the begging of your app's life cycle, a good place will be in AppDelegate class.

Enable autoTracking to automatically analyze user journey.


import MTKAppInsight

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

  MTKSDK.shared().initialize(withClientKey: "YOUR CLIENT KEY", productKey: "YOUR PRODUCT KEY", autoTracking: true)

  return true


#import <MTKAppInsight/MTKSDK.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

  [[MTKSDK shared] initializeWithClientKey:@"myClientKey" productKey:@"x12345" autoTracking:YES];

return YES;

User Journey Tracking

MTKAppInsight SDK tracks user journey based on UIViewController class and user's interaction with it. There are a few options you can adjust to get the most comprehensive journey data.

Custom view controller title

If you enable autoTracking, SDK will capture user journey based on UIViewController name. If you want to setup more easy-to-understand name, you can set custom tracking view name. A good place will be viewDidAppear: in your UIViewController, before user interact with current view controller.


  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    MTKSDK.shared().setViewController(self, withCustomTitle: "UserOptionSettingView")


- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [[MTKSDK shared] setViewController:self withCustomTitle:@"OptionSettionView"];

Add important but not viewController views to auto-tracking

If you app isn't based on UIViewController or is using many views in same UIViewController such as UIHostingController in SwiftUI, you can add any views to journey tracking. A good place would be when the view created and fully visible to user and user is ready to interact with the view.




  [[MTKSDK shared] setCustomTrackingViewTitle:@"OptionSettingView"];

Disable view tracking

You can exclude a UIViewController from auto tracking if the viewController is meaningless in user journey. A good place will be viewDidAppear: in your UIViewController, before user interact with current view controller.


  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {


- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [[MTKSDK shared] disableViewTracking];

MTKAppInsight SDK takes 1 screenshot per a view periodically to display as representative image in journey tracking. The screenshots are captured from a few very early users, once SDK obtains screenshots from all view, SDK stops taking screenshots. If you think that screenshot could lead to privacy concern, you can set a certain view as sensitive. A good place will be viewDidAppear: in your UIViewController, before user interact with current view controller. The is still be tracked, but SDK will skip taking screenshot.


  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {


- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [[MTKSDK shared] setAsSensitiveScreen];

In-App Survey

MTKAppInsight SDK provides fully-featured in-app survey which is optimized mobile apps with least intrusive presentation. To find out more about survey creation or collection real time responses, check methinks.

Decide where and when to show in-app survey

By default, in-app survey will be display at the beginning of new session, before user start any interaction with your app. But if your app has important process at the beginning or has longer loading at the beginning, you can set a specific view controller to display in-app survey. A good place would be right after you initialize the target view controller,


  let homeVC = HomeViewController()


  HomeViewController* homeVC = [[HomeViewController alloc] init];
  [[MTKSDK shared] setDefaultSurveyViewController:homeVC];

Associate User to In-App Survey and Journey Tracking

To get most out of in-app survey and user journey tracking, associating user attributes and custom events is highly recommended. For example, if you associate your identifiable unique userID with methinksSDK, you can specifically target the user to deliver in-app survey or tracking specific journey.




  [[MTKSDK shared] setUserId:@"X1234567"];

Add user attributes if available so that you are target specific group of users for in-app survey. For example, if you want to deliver surveys to female users only, first provide the user's gender information to tracking SDK. Value could be number or string and Key must be non-nil string value. You can add multiple key-value combinations and use them for advanced targeting for in-app survey or journey tracking.


  MTKSDK.shared().setUserAttribute("gender", value: "female")


  [[MTKSDK shared] setUserAttribute:@"gender" value:@"female"];