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Learn about
methinks’ core features

One platform for all your market research needs. All of our features work together and separately, tailoring to your research and your individual needs.

methinks has the tools you need

Conduct remote research without having to compromise on methodology. Recruit, schedule, survey, interview,
pay participants, and even edit videos all in one app. Get straight to the research and save time on the logistics.

Recruitment made easy

Researchers can recruit, schedule, and interview participants globally in a matter of minutes.

  • Target

    By demographics, device, age, industry, shopping tendencies, and more.

  • Message

    Exchange chat messages with participants anytime, before and after the interview.

  • Favorite

    Favorite your best participants so that you can easily recruit them for your next project.

  • Message

    Exchange chat messages with participants anytime, before and after the interview.


    Favorite your best participants so that you can easily recruit them for your next project.

  • Automate

    Set up screener questions with the auto-invitation feature and assign tasks to qualified applicants automatically.

  • Compensate

    Or, we should say don't worry about compensation - methinks handles all participant compensation so that you have one less thing to worry about.

Video interview tools purpose-built for research

Interview participants and gather insights with methinks’ cloud-based video conferencing technology.

  • Bookmarks and annotations

    Insert bookmarks, jot down quick notes, and send live polls to your participants, all time-stamped.

  • Real-time web & app testing

    Desktop and mobile screen share features let you watch participants interact with your websites and mobile apps.

  • Virtual backroom

    Invite observers and interpreters to observe and translate without interrupting your interview.

  • Video editing features

    Clip and stitch your interview highlights straight from the browser, no install necessary.

Surveys for different research methodologies

Get quick user feedback with methinks surveys and app test surveys.

  • methinks Surveys

    Distributed via the methinks platform, based on a defined schedule and assigned participants.

  • App Test Surveys

    Distributed directly from your app, triggered by an event or by how much time the users have spent on your app.

  • Templates

    A dozen proven templates that will help you break through writer's block and ask unbiased questions to participants.

  • Question Types

    15 question types including multiple choice, short sentences, Likert scale, video and audio recordings, constant sum, and more.

Test your apps quickly

Perform unmoderated testings with both methinks participants and
your own users with methinks' mobile product validation tools.

methinks Mobile UX Test™

Watch how testers perform your assigned tasks, at scale.

User Journey Mapping

Learn about your users’ behaviors with user journeys automatically generated with HD screenshots.

Targeted Survey

Found an interesting user group from analyzing user journeys? Push them a survey and collect feedback right away.

Live Intercept

Trigger live intercepts and store review prompts exactly when you want to maximize relevancy and minimize interruption.

Professional research support

Do you need end-to-end research done for your team? We’ve got your back!

Our global team of research experts will help you with:
✓ Survey design and programming
✓ Recruitment and interview scheduling
✓ Project and participant management
✓ Moderating remote sessions, while you observe (or not)
✓ Quantitative and qualititative data analysis
✓ Producing deliverables that can be shared across teams
✓ Creating analytical insight reports so you can make informed decisions

Get feedback on any product, service, or brand

Watch as your participants interact with digital and physical products such as:

  • Websites
  • Mobile Apps
  • Fast-Moving
    Consumer Goods
  • Durable Goods
  • Documentation

Get ahead of the competition - learn how methinks can help you now